Save the Date: SciFinder Training for INM User


We are pleased to be able to offer online training sessions on the use of the SciFinder-n database on two consecutive dates in March and April this year. The training sessions will be held by the CAS lecturer Lena Blumenthal and are aimed at scientists of the INM.


Session 1: Intrudocution to CAS SciFinder

When: March 28, 2025 (Friday): 2.00 pm

Trainer: Lena Blumenthal

Registration link:

Content: In this training we would like to give you an overview on the scientific database and literature search engine SciFinder. The training will mainly consist of a live demonstration of the tool with examples relevant to you: living materials, enzyme-enabled reactions, response and modification of immune systems. Questions are welcome at any time! You will learn:

  • What is different in SciFinder and why should I use it?
  • Efficient search techniques for publications
  • How to search for small substances, materials and sequences
  • How to analyze the results to get an overview of the topic or relevant contributors

Session 2: Taking SciFinder searches to the next level

When: April 4, 2025 (Wednesday): 2.00 pm

Trainer: Lena Blumenthal

Registration link:

Content: You have been using SciFinder already and would like to refresh or improve your skills? You are starting with SciFinder and want to learn more than just the basics? Welcome to an advanced SciFinder training! The training will mainly consist of a live demonstration of the tool with examples relevant to you: living materials, enzyme-enabled reactions, response and modification of immune systems. Questions are welcome at any time! You will learn:

  • How to analyze the citation landscape to broaden your query
  • How to improve your substance search to identify exact matches or broader categories
  • What about patents? Tips and tricks for searching and analyzing patent publications

Contact person in NTNM library

Regina Kraemer
